Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Photo dilemma

My tech support arrived and after 25 minutes discovered that Google Blogger is having a problem with users downloading pictures. Thus, my problem. I won't be posting pictures until the problem is corrected- may take 24 hours.

Daily Diary

Today was a rather busy day. This morning, while some of the kids were practicing instruments, I cleared out a good many things for the soon coming garage sale, and organized/loaded into the car some things for Jon's mom-Baby stuff that she'll make good use of with 15 grandchildren and still counting.

I was in and out of the school room all day- not my preferable way of doing things, but I'm still quite behind on housework because of having the flu, etc. But Jonathan and Caroline were quite diligent and accomplished a lot. Charles and I worked through several things, but didn't get everything done.

I made an appointment for Caroline to have her hair cut, so at 2:30 I loaded up the car with kids and we headed for the hair salon. Caroline decided to give her hair to Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs for children with cancer. She was really excited about it. I felt a bit of a twinge when the hair stylist cut off the braid, but she looks cute with her new look. I think it took a few years off of her age!

After the shorning of the golden locks, we drove to the home of Janice- a friend from church- and brought her to our house to spend the late afternoon/evening. The weather was wonderful, so we ate on the back patio. Would you believe we saw one fly and one gnat. The gnat died quickly, but the fly was a rather elusive fellow.

My brother Jason dropped in for dinner and brought strawberry shortcake. Everyone was thrilled since mom didn't make a dessert. Family worship ran kind of late, but the kids were really enthusiastic about settling into the big sofa and singing hymns since they'd spent their energy jumping on the trampoline after dinner while the adults chatted.

I took Janice home while Jon put the little people to bed. They needed baths, but I'll have to throw them in the tub in the morning. We just weren't up for it tonight. I can't wait to get to bed, but thought you guys might want to see the pictures, so I've taken the time to download them.