On Monday everyone attended VBS. This year's theme is the ocean and ocean creatures. Charles somehow was fortunate enough to bring home a "real live clam". He filled up one bathroom sink with water and in went the clam. Today for some reason I thought of the clam, and asked where it was. It hadn't stayed in the sink. At various times it had been in Charles pocket, under someone's pillow, in a dresser drawer, etc. But it ocurred to me that by now the thing had to be dead. Charles thought for a moment and ran off to find it. Oliver followed close behind.
"Good News, Mom!" Oliver shouted over the upstairs banister. "What?" I asked a little worried. "The clam pooped in the sink," Oliver rejoiced. Why that was good news, I have no idea. But the thing reaked. Charles put it in a plastic bag and threw it in the trash. Now I'm going to go scrub out the bathroom sink. Gross.