Instead of reading, I've been taking care of lots of little details, and I'm now supposed to write an article for the website, but have hit a brick wall. Nothing interesting is coming forth. Thus, I'm here, "warming up" on my blog.
We have a new system around this house, after I spent three days cleaning, scrubbing and organizing last week. Here is the new motto/system: "We are too busy to have a dirty house." So once a day, I route the troops for one hour of vacuuming, dusting, mopping, folding, and de-cluttering, besides making sure that beds are made, trash taken out, and towels hung up in the morning when everyone is getting ready. The results are really inspiring. There is one completely trashed room in our house- what used to be the school room, which was for a time Grandpa's room, is now the upstairs laundry room. It is the catch all for everything, including vast quantities of clothes, ironing, mismatched socks, prolife activism stuff like fetal models, posters, back drops, brochures, etc. I am hoping to get this room tackled this coming Saturday, and then all of the house will be nice and clean.
After Oliver got up this morning and had his oatmeal, hot chocolate, and Emergen-C drink,he donned his overalls, and headed out to hunt lizards. This is becoming an increasingly time consuming task for the simple reason that the lizards are very cold and not really moving until almost noon. Oliver went out the door at 7:43am and he caught two very small lizards at 11:17. Yes, my spastic, over energetic, would be diagnosed with ADHD if I allowed that sort of thing, stayed patiently in the neighbor's bushes all that time waiting. Oliver came into the house very, VERY pleased with himself and his twin lizards. I don't know that they were twins, but they were very small, and caught at the same time. We went to go pick up Charles from school, and Oliver happily sat in the very back caressing his little creatures. He was delighted to be able to allow Charles to hold a lizard and still have a lizard to hold himself. When we returned home, Oliver returned to Bo's bushes, in the squatting position. About an hour later he came trotting across the back of the yard, came into the house, slammed the door shut, threw himself to the floor and all the while in hysterics. Apparently, he found a third lizard, and in his excitement released lizard one and two, and thus lost all three lizards. Usually, I do not allow crying over something this trivial, however, I really felt very sorry for the little chap.
Vivian has a cold. She is very cranky with her cold.