Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Political Pontifications

I love a sarcastic zinger. It could very well be my favorite genre. Sarcasm sums up the common vernacular of our generation. Let's face it- take a really boring topic, like the life of an average housewife, add some sarcasm, and suddenly people are interested. That's where Ann Coulter comes in. She takes the stiff, frozen chosen mentality of the conservative movement and shakes things up a bit with some facts and a few well laid hilarious comments. She gets the message out there in a memorable and entertaining way. Even Allen Colmes, my favorite liberal, can't help but laugh. So why the bad press from the Christian Right of all people?

The biggest complaint I hear is that Ann doesn't do things in a way Jesus would have. Wow, what a standard. Ann, if you could just act a little more like God, we would approve. Jesus apparently wouldn't use sarcasm to point out discrepancies or problems with the ideologies or politics of another person. What I love about modern day Jesus is that with 20 minutes and a Strongs Concordance, you can have Jesus saying and defending almost anything. If you don't think Jesus was sarcastic, you didn't read the first four books of the N.T. As for belittling people, Jesus turned the word Pharisee, a very well educated and respected member of Jewish society, into a dirty word that is still going strong 2,000 years later. Jesus also liked to point out lots of problems in society using a limited number of words and phrases followed with, " He who has ears to hear, let him hear." Ann Coulter likes to hand out zingers that point out particular problems and hypocrisies within the American culture. The America of today has a thick, leathery, callous for a conscience, and it's going to take something sharp to get through. So she made the following statement "It turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot', so I'm kind of at an impasse-I can't really talk about Edwards." Here come all the arm chair Christians, meaning similar to arm chair Generals, voicing lots of complaints, but they aren't exactly going to roll up their sleeves and plow into the fray.

Surely no one is so obtuse as to think that Ann was pointing out Edward's homosexual lifestyle. Ann was using a single stroke, a memorable one liner, to make many points about our society. Grey's Anatomy, the number one TV show in America and perhaps in the world, just recently had an episode where Isaiah Washington went voluntarily into rehab after calling a co-star "faggot." That of course, would be the most obvious reference Ann was making. As for the rest, he who has ears to hear, let him hear. I guess that won't be the deaf arm chair Christians.