Monday, November 19, 2007

Please pass the bee barf

Tonight we had random dinner because Jon was at school, and I would rather do something other than actually make dinner. I was spreading some honey on my buttered bread, and Oliver said, "Mom, what is honey made out of." I enjoyed, immensely enjoyed explaining to him that honey is bee puke that somebody puts in a jar. I kept remarking how delicious the throw-up was while I ate the bread. I'm not sure that Oliver will ever again eat honey. He was thoroughly grossed out. :-)

Jumping Rope

This afternoon Caroline was jumping rope in the cul-de-sac. I asked for the jump rope and did some little rope tricks, etc. Nothing amazing, but the children were blown away by my jumping rope technique.

"Mom is the greatest!"Charles yelled, while Jonathan and Caroline fought for turns to try next. They failed miserably, and simply gazed in awe as I retrieved the rope and began again going through my tricks.

What can I say? On the island of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.