Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Family Circus

I went downstairs a few moments ago after hearing a splash of water and a cup hit the kitchen floor followed by Charles exclaiming, " Great, Oliver, now look what you made me do," with Gabriel crying in the background. By the time I was in the kitchen, Oliver was making a hasty retreat into the dining room and Charles was watching me wondering if tears would be his best defense. I shooed everyone into the backyard.
"Into the backyard, Oliver, " I said after Gabriel and Charles had already gone out. "Aw, mom," Oliver responded, " Can't I have two options?" He asked two fingers in the air.
"Two options?" I asked, confused.
"Yes, two options. Like go outside or play in the nursery. I need two options cuz I wanna play in the nursery."
"No. You get one option." I reflected for a moment on explaining to him that option wouldn't apply if you were only offered a single course of action and not even offered but rather commanded, but then decided it would be too complicated. So I just ended with, "I'll bring popsicles out in a minute."