When I was in the parking lot, Afemo and his wife Elizabeth (daughter of Hosea Williams) drove up. I had met them at a CareNet fundraiser dinner a few weeks ago when I served as greeter with their daughter Juanita. Afemo was very nice, and said he would come and speak with Gloria personally, and make sure that she was well cared for.
After an hour, Gloria's two youngest children were getting restless and hungry, so I went and got some fried chicken and biscuits. Well, I couldn't exactly bring fried chicken into a room full of practically homeless people waiting for food assistance, etc., so I asked Gloria and the children to come outside. We settled in at the back of the Suburban and I helped Tayman (nickname) with his food, etc. Afemo came out to make sure we weren't leaving. Gloria was still waiting to be seen, so Afemo talked with her about her situation. Afemo is a professional actor, and Gloria recognized him. She was so pleased that he cared about her and her family. Then he took her hands and said he wanted to pray for her. I joined the circle, and he prayed this amazing 15 minute prayer. It was very moving. I had tears running down my cheeks and then my nose was running- which is rather awkward when you are standing in a prayer circle. Do you drop hands and wipe your nose with your sleeve and then hold hands again? And won't that seriously gross out the person stuck holding your hand? That and all the other obvious questions began to surface. I regrouped without dropping hands. :-) After Afemo was finished praying, he stuck around and chatted for a few minutes, and I thanked him for taking the time to pray for Gloria.
This cute wee black man named BJ handles security over there. He's nearly 70, and a friendly, energetic chap. He was very pleased to meet me because I'm a friend of Shealita, who rescued BJ from a horrendous living situation. BJ brought the two little boys some match box cars and fall jackets. Tayman was talking to everyone like a little magpie by the time we left. He was very happy.
When I took Gloria home, she was encouraged and ready to move forward. Things are tough for her. Her mother died when she was 12. She got pregnant a year later and dropped out of school. Her father died that year as well. Her grandmother took Gloria and her sister in, and cared for them as best she could. Gloria doesn't have a support system, no education and no job. She feels like she's at the mercy of her surroundings. My greatest hope for her is that she will recognize how God is working in her life, and that she will rest upon Him for salvation. Her life is going through great changes, and she is getting help and support now, all because, by God's grace, she stood in a parking lot at Atlanta Surgi-Center in the blazing hot sun, and chose life for her baby.