Thursday, March 15, 2007

Daily Diary

Photos are still not downloading. I went to my mother-in-law's again after supper. I got about 4 hours of sewing-cut out 8 pair of shorts, and got 12 pair finished except for waists and hems. Tally up to 24 pair of shorts sewn, 24 more to go. I found my time to be improving drastically. I can get a pair put together in 12 minutes. What takes forever is threading the sewing machine and the serger, ironing fabric before cutting out the patterns, and then cutting out the shorts. But after all that prep stuff it is quick work. I'm going to be sad when it is time to get up in 6 hours!


Sarah Faith said...

Practice really does make sewing go faster! I am glad you are doing this project! Sewing gives such a sense of accomplishment to a mom's life (I find) because it is something that (usually) STAYS done as opposed to all the cleaning, cooking etc... :-)

Jenny said...

hahahah! That is EXACTLY what I told Margaret. Sewing is something that I can accomplish that actually stays done.