Saturday, March 17, 2007

Daily Diary

My garage sale proved to be good enough. I got rid of a lot of stuff and made $200. So that is satisfactory. I have a lot more to get rid of this Friday. Plus the weather will be MUCH nicer. Always a good thing for a garage sale. Today was 54 degrees and very windy. No es bueno. I'm hoping to make enough that I can replace things sold with more efficient useful items without dipping into the bank account. We shall see....
We went to the home of dear friends this late afternoon/evening, and had a wonderful time. We are always a little sad in parting because we only clear the schedule 3 times a year for get togethers being so busy with school, teaching, life, etc. The children all played together quite well. Vivian fell and bonked her head but it seemed to be a little bonk. Head injuries always frighten me- but there was no bump or swollen spot, so hopefully all's well.
Now it is that happy time of the day when the children are in bed and water is boiling for hot tea, and that sad part of the day when you recognize that there is no way you have the energy to finish the massive to do list you started the day with. I remember that the important things were accomplished- the kids were hugged and kissed lots, rebuked enough, friends visited with, my best friend/husband and I had some quality time together, and there aren't any toys on the stairs!

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