Saturday, March 3, 2007

Political Pontifications

It hasn't really made that much sense to me, why Bush is so soft on illegal aliens. To me, it is a simple fact of law. If someone is in our country illegally, they must be sent out. The thousands of dollars spent by hardworking people to enter this country under the blessing of the law are rendered moot by the offensive manner in which thousands have crossed the border and laid claim to welfare, education and healthcare without even the smallest slap on the wrist.

Bush has a dream of a North American Union- a merger of Canada, U.S., and Mexico into a cohesive unit that shares all. This dream is becoming a reality. Check it out at Without the approval or oversight of Congress, Bush has blazed ahead reducing a future United States to a homogenous mixture of the North American Union. How would this affect you? Superhighways are planned connecting our borders which will involve eminent domain takings of private properties. The rights of State and local governments would be trampled. It would dilute the National and Constitutional independence of the United States. Nancy Schaefer has introduced S.R. 124. in an effort to protect our country's soverignty and security.

This is taken directly from the Resolution: "Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Senate.....use all its efforts, energies, and diligence to withdraw the United States from any further participation in the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America and any similarly bilateral or multilateral activity, however named, that seeks to advance, authorize, or fund or in any way promote the creation of any structure of relationship to accomplish any form of tNothr American integration or merger."

You can read this bill for yourself by going to

Want to get involved? Call Senator Balfour at 404-656-0095 and tell him to pass S.R. 124 immediately.

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