Friday, November 16, 2007

The Jan. 14th Rally

All things considered, I'd say my progress on the Jan. 14th rally is decent, and I'm currently in only a mild state of panic. It is a very scary thing to plan something of this size by oneself. It could be a complete and total bomb, or an incredible success. Of course there are the various levels in between--

My family is watching a movie; a very dumb movie. The spoof on Noah's Ark; I don't remember the title, and it isn't important for the purpose of this blog entry. I'm very tired, and could either watch the dumb movie for the sake of being with the family, or go to bed with a hot mug of tea. I'm leaning toward the latter. Besides, I'll be with the clan for an entire week!

Oh, and my 12 year anniversary is next weekend. 12 years married to my best friend. It is going by too fast. If we live to be 95 (Jon is 7 months older than me), that only leaves us 64 more years to be together, and that is not nearly long enough, especially when you realize that you never cease existing. That whole "no giving or taking in marriage" thing that Jesus mentioned in relation to heaven is a serious bummer to the very happily married.

One more thing- whoever anonymous is that said Bible- for the Bible and Spade, thank you. Bible and Spade is the greatest archeology magazine. When I'm old and gray with plenty of time for reading, I'll subscribe. I hope they'll still have low quality printing- it adds to the charm of the thing, I think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*laughs* sorry, i said Bible, and forgot to sign :P.
-hannah g