Saturday, December 29, 2007

My pick for President

I suppose I should say something about the Presidential election, and my opinions on the topic. I have probably led readers astray since I did mention Huckabee awhile ago, and have said nothing on the topic since.

In general, the choices for President depress me, so I was in fact putting off considering it for as long as possible. But when some of the state leaders in the Huckabee campaign began to contact me inquiring if I would campaign for him, I decided I need to delve in and consider the subject.

I was disposed to choose Huckabee, for the simple reason that many of my friends were supporting him, and urging me to do likewise. Also, Georgia Right to Life endorsed him, and abortion is certainly an issue for me.

The more I researched Huckabee, the more alarmed I became. As Governor of Arkansas, he raised taxes 47% and state spending increased by more than 65%. I'm not sure what Huckabee means when he says he left the Governorship with a budget surplus because he left 1 billion in new debt! The Cato Institute gave him a grade of "F" in fiscal policy i for 2006 and a "D" for his entire tenure as Governor of Arkansas.

As if all of that isn't enough, he was endorsed by the NEA, and calls "No Child Let Behind" the greatest education reform effort by the federal government. As Governor of Arkansas, he signed into law some of the country's most restrictive homeschooling legislation.

Furthermore, Huckabee flip flops on issues. Earlier this fall he came out against state human life amendments, but when GRTL endorsed him and invited him to speak at their yearly Together for Life, he issued a public statement in support of human life amendments.

As far as his pro-life record, he passed a Human Life Amendment that will come into effect if Roe V. Wade is overturned. He was governor of Arkansas for 11 years, and abortion mills are still cranking out dead bodies, so quite frankly, rip roaring wop dee do. In fact, the number of abortions in 1996 (reported) was over 26,000! I'm tired of singing the praises of truly powerful pro-life politicians who claim victory in the face of thousands of dead Americans in their state. Now that I've seen behind the scenes abortion industry in Georgia, the laws are un-enforced, and the abortion numbers are totally inaccurate. This is probably true in more places than Georgia. Let's use our pro-life Governor as an example. If Governor Purdue would simply stand up for law currently on the books, the vast majority of abortion mills would close today. Governor Purdue was endorsed by GRTL and is considered to be very pro-life. The guy frankly told the AJC that he would not pursue any prolife legislation, but should it make it to his desk, he would sign it. Isn't that nice. I'm feeling warm and fuzzy already. All these politicians give the abortion issue lip service, and a human life amendment that doesn't even attempt to challenge Roe V. Wade, but rather sits on the back burner waiting for some other piece of legislation to do so, is simply not impressive.

Also, Huckabee did two speaking engagements for Novo Nordisk, the world's leading emryonic stem cell research firm, for a pretty penny of $35,000. Yeah, I know, they also specialize in diabetes and Huckabee is the adult onset diabetes poster child. But to actively promote the world's leading embryonic stem cell research firm is more than a little distasteful to me. And it isn't like Huckabee was strapped for cash and his family was starving to death.

Concerning starving to death, Huckabee dropped over 100 lbs, went on a health kick and is now judgmental of everyone else's health habits--to the extent of wanting to instate a nationwide smoking ban. Excuse me?

I'm going to vote for the one and only candidate who firmly believes in the Constitution, and has the humility to see himself as subordinate to the Constitution. What a concept. My man is Ron Paul. If you are interested in learning more, just google him. You can also visit

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