Monday, April 30, 2007

Daily Diary

Today was Aunt Lou's 24th birthday. We descended upon her modern upscale fancy schmancy office with balloons, a potted plant, gifts and ourselves- with lunch bag in hand. After seeing her office (perhaps a cube, but a large one with three giant windows), and after the kids had gone around and met everyone, we headed to the small but lovely lawn and spread out our picnic blanket. By the time we got to the cake, candles and noise makers, Lou was thoroughly mortified, Charles had discovered a myriad of bugs, bird feathers, and random gross objects, and Caroline was screeching about two innocent ants that walked over to find dropped cake crumbs. I'm rarely embarrassed, and I certainly don't see what's to be embarrassed about enjoying an outdoor lunch in wonderful weather on an otherwise unused lawn. Anyway, we made Aunt Lou's birthday unforgettable.

1 comment:

Sarah Faith said...

hey! jonathan's out of uniform! what gives?